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May 28, 2019
Rocket Ship Bulletin Board
Reading is a Blast! although in retrospect, I wish I would've done Blast off Into Summer Reading! I looked at an image of a rocketship I...

May 24, 2019
Dinosaur Day
My dinosaur Story Time back in August turned into a mini-party with lollipops and masks, but I knew I wanted to devote a whole event...

May 16, 2019
Story Time: Alphabet
This was our last Story Time until after summer, and I like to end with an alphabet theme. So we read Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, Little i...

May 14, 2019
Charlotte's Web Event
For this event, we played the cartoon adaptation of "Charlotte's Web" by E.B. White. Patrons could also write a spider message, make an...

May 9, 2019
Story Time: Ocean
For an ocean-themed Story Time, we read I'm the Biggest Thing in the Ocean by Kevin Sherry, Fabulous Fishes by Susan Stockdale, and...

May 8, 2019
Summer Reading 2019 Calendar
Our Summer Reading calendars are out. I am digging the space theme. This year we're going from June 17-July 31. My events include Tie...

May 7, 2019
Movie Adaptation Book Display
This month's book display theme is Books that Were Made into Movies. If you liked the movie, you'll LOVE the book! Font is Bodoni-Poster....

May 2, 2019
Pool Noodle Horses
I usually rotate between a Star Wars and Kentucky Derby event for the first week in May, and this year is a Derby year. We made pool...

May 2, 2019
Story Time: Barnyard
A redo from last year: I paired Inside a Barn in the Country by Alyssa Satin Capucilli and Tedd Arnold (a favorite--the kids do so good...

Apr 30, 2019
Derby Bulletin Board
Race into a Good Book in honor of Derby Week. Race horse images were from Teachers Pay Teachers and printed on our poster printer. Font...
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