Charlotte's Web Event

For this event, we played the cartoon adaptation of "Charlotte's Web" by E.B. White. Patrons could also write a spider message, make an award to give a friend, play Feed Templeton, and make a Wilbur puppet.

For a photo op/decoration, I used our giant spider web from our Halloween Carnival and hot glued on black construction paper letters spelling out TERRIFIC.

Speaking of terrific--because Wilbur wants a prize at the fair, and Charlotte's Web is all about friendship, one of our activity stations was to create an award to give a friend.

I found the award templates at Tim's Printables and had them cut and ready to go with crayons.

We also used string art to make Spider Messages. I got this idea from Teach Engineering.

I used black foam board, white crochet thread, and clear push pins. I prepped the foam board by cutting it into smaller squares and hot gluing two pieces together (otherwise the push pins poke through).

I drew these letters out for a guideline to help the kids make their spider messages. Some made shapes instead. I was a little worried it'd be too hard for them but they did really well with it!

Our third craft was the Wilbur puppet. I couldn't find pink paper bags anywhere, but I did find small pink gift bags at the Dollar Tree, 3 for $1, that I used. I just cut off the white handles that were attached.

I printed the pig face and legs on pink construction paper, and had everything ready to be assembled. I found the pig template on Pinterest, but the link attached was dead. I've included it here, in my Charlotte's Web Docs.

Finally, I converted our cornhole board into a Feed Templeton bean bag toss game with the use of bulletin board paper and our poster printer.