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Pool Noodle Horses

pool noodle horse flyer

I usually rotate between a Star Wars and Kentucky Derby event for the first week in May, and this year is a Derby year.

pool noodle derby horse

We made pool noodle horses.

pool noodle horse instructions

I got the instructions (and pics) from Mrs. King's Music Class. There are lots of tutorials and variations online, but I found this simplest and best for a patron DIY. Plus, with the exception of the pool noodles, I already had every thing else I needed.

pool noodle horse library craft

Patrons could choose whatever pool noodle color they wanted when they came in, and I cut them a piece of twine. Additional available embellishments were foam stickers, pompoms, construction paper, sequins, and prima flowers.

The tables were set with googly eyes, felt, scissors, and low temp hot glue guns. Patrons could assemble the pool noodle horses, then decorate them however they liked.

pool noodle horse blue and orange

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