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Children's Programs
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the podunk librarian
May the Fourth Virtual Star Wars Programs
For our annual May the Fourth celebration, we had three pandemic-friendly Star Wars programs. First was a Virtual Storytime with Princess...
May 4, 2021
Egg People
I have wanted to do an Easter egg decorating activity with plastic eggs and no dye for a while. I stumbled upon some very cute Egg People...
Apr 9, 2019
Star Wars Celebration
I've been alternating my first week in May activities between Star Wars and the Derby (like my American Girl Hats for the Derby event)...
May 4, 2018
Star Wars Bulletin Board
Star Wars library bulletin board in honor of May the Fourth. WE R2 EXCITED ABOUT READING! Although I wish I had done READING: IT'S OUR...
May 3, 2018
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