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Easter Story Time and Egg Hunt

easter story time

Our Story Time books were "Chester's Colorful Easter Eggs" by Theresa Smythe and Leslie Patricello's "Hop! Hop!". Our craft was an Oriental Trading bunny/egg wreath.

easter story time snack

For a pre-candy snack, we had a Goldfish "carrot" with a bunny juice box. The juice box wrap was a freebie from Teachers Pay Teachers.

story time easter baskets

I made up two dozen mini Easter baskets, which I got from Hobby Lobby last year when they were 90% off.

mini easter basket goodies

Inside was a mini puzzle, troll finger puppet, maze activity cube, and egg crayon stick, all from Oriental Trading. They also each had a mini chocolate bunny and Easter ring lollipop, both from Dollar General. I printed out the little coloring page to go with the egg crayon.

Eggs, eggs, eggs. After our story time, craft, and snack (with a fun Easter Youtube playlist on the projector), we had our egg hunt upstairs in the children's room.

easter story time and egg hunt library flyer

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