Scarecrow Hanger Craft

November's Glowforge craft was a file from Kika's Kraft Room, which I scaled down so everything would fit on one sheet of Baltic Birch plywood. Ended up measuring about 10" tall and 9" wide. I had purchased the snowman pieces as well in hopes to offer that for the back, but time/resources ultimately did not allow.

I finally got wise and got some 3M backing for the small pieces, so we could quit with the Superglue. Easier for patrons, easier for cleanup, and makes for a cleaner outcome. 10/10 would recommend!

We offered this as an in-person craft, but still did kits for leftovers. Paint was packed in paint pods from Amazon and brushes were included. We also added the raffia (bundle purchased from Amazon, it didn't take much) and a piece of jute cord from Hobby Lobby.