Santa Train (Breakfast and Portraits with Santa)

Visit the Elkhorn City Public Library after Santa Train for donuts, hot chocolate, games, and free professionally done portraits with Santa! Frosty the Snowman will also be at the library.
This year, we had Frosty the Snowman walk around outside while waiting on the train as well as in the library after the train left.

On the first floor of the library, we set up the free Santa portraits:

Kids got a candy cane and free book after they saw Santa.

We used the poster printer to cover the tables in giant coloring pages patrons could do while they waited to see Santa.

Downstairs we served donuts, fruit, milk, hot chocolate, and water. All food was donated by local businesses.

We also had some games downstairs, like Santa Cookie Toss, Elf Hat Ring Toss, a Candy Cane Toss, and Christmas Tree Bowling.

Santa Train had not run for the last couple of years for Covid, so it was fun to get to do our annual event again!