Santa at the Story Trail

Santa will visit the Story Trail on December 20th and 22nd at 5:00! The sign posts will be lit with Christmas lights as families read "The Christmas Coal Man" by Joe Kulka along the trail. Stop for hot cocoa halfway down the trail, and meet Santa after you finish the story.
We originally had it scheduled for December 6th and 8th, but had to reschedule due to rain, and finally ended up only doing the 20th because of weather again. It sure was cold!

We had electrical issues so we ended up using battery operated lights, 2 per sign post. They turned out pretty cute!

The city also let us use some of their inflatables to make things more festive.

The halfway point we had hot chocolate and marshmallows in Christmas cups.

Santa was at the end of trail in our sleigh, which we brought from the library. We've used it in the past for our Social Distanced Portraits with Santa and this year for our library photo ops.

We didn't have a photographer, but brought lights so patrons could take their own photos and it wouldn't be too dark. You can kind of see the legs on the side there.
It was a cute program and we had a good turnout, especially considering the reschedule, but I'm not sure the cold is worth it! It was our last Story Trail event until the Spring.