Dolly Parton's Imagination Library Program Kick Off

We finally got the funding together to launch an Imagination Library program through our library. To get the word out and start getting kids signed up, we had registration events at all six of our branches.
At the Registration Events, patrons could register their child and pick up a copy of the welcome book, "The Little Engine that Could" by Watty Piper while children made a train craft, get their face painted, had a Dolly Dance party, and enjoyed cotton candy!

Here's the train craft we did. We tried to order some toilet paper tubes ("craft rolls") through Amazon that were already cut to size, but after a month, we got a call that they still wouldn't be here on time. So we had to take box cutters and X-Acto knives to our regular sized tubes.

Here's the template I made. They were printed on cardstock for the kids to color, and slots were cut into the "wheels" to stick the train part inside.