Llama Llama Virtual Pajama Party

The library hosted a Virtual Pajama Party as Llama Llama visited the library for a reading of Anna Dewdney's "Llama Llama Red Pajama."

The video was done as a Facebook Live (pre-recorded) and patrons could pick up a Llama Llama Red Pajama Activity Bag through drive thru/curbside pickup beforehand to complete at home while watching.

Inside the activity bags were some printables from llamallamabook.com, a couple of craft activities, and a sticker page and party blower purchased from Party City. For the craft activity above, I found the blank image online (sorry, I couldn't find any link to credit) and turned into this page (click here for the pdf). I sized it to fit tissue paper squares and included them in the bags.

The other craft activity was printable purchased from Rainy Day Mum. The purchase came with a limit of 3 downloads, and I somehow managed to mess up all 3 attempts to download the dice template. And they were so kind to reset it for me so I could get it. It's a great blog! Lots of cute ideas on there.

Here's our Llama Llama costume (we purchased ours from Ali Express, you can also rent one from Costume Specialists) and our children's librarian who read (in her jammies!).
Llama Llama's stuffed animal is actually a spot-less giraffe that one of our librarians (the one in the suit!) already owned.
For the video, our librarian went through the activity bag and talked a little about each item in the bag. Then read the story while Llama Llama waved and (attempted to) act out parts of the story. At the end, she put Llama Llama to bed under a block quilt.