Virtual Story Time Hybrid

Since we're still closed to the public, this year's Story Time will be a Virtual & Take Home Hybrid. Our start date got pushed back to October, and sign ups were mandatory because the library will purchase Amazon Fire tablets for the kids. We'll use Khan Academy Kids on there, as well loading on some other educational apps. And then they'll come weekly to pick up books and craft kits via curbside for the Take Home portion.
We'll see how it goes...

We made a separate Amazon account for the tablets to register them all--we had 87. They were numbered in that account and reflected in our catalog. We locked all the parent settings with the password, as they are designed to only used by the kids for Story Time purposes. We pre-downloaded Khan Academy on each, and they have age-appropriate books/videos/games they have access to as well. The Children's Librarians will use Khan Academy to enroll the kids in their "classroom" and give them "assignments."

We also purchased backpacks with our logo from Janway for the kids to use as they are having to go back and forth in this weird Virtual & Take Home Hybrid. We included craft supplies for their weekly take-home crafts (scissors, crayons, and a glue stick) as well as the charger they will need for their tablets.