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At-Home Pizza Party Kits

at home pizza party kit

Since we are still only open for curbside and couldn't go out with a bang, our Summer Reading Finale was an At-Home Pizza Party Kit. These kits included a Chef Boyardee Pizza Kit, a copy of The Little Red Hen Makes a Pizza by Philemon Sturges, a Little Red Hen Stick Puppet Craft, and a Build a Pizza Game.

at home pizza party kit library program

I originally wanted to get the Little Caesar's Fundraisers kits, but the only way we could get them without doing an actual fundraiser was to pick them up directly from their nearest warehouse, which was about a 4 hour drive from us. So, Chef Boyardee it was. I found packs of 6 on Amazon.

the little red hen makes a pizza by philemon sturges

The best deal I could find on copies of The Little Red Hen Makes a Pizza was through BulkBookstore.

little red hen makes a pizza craft

I found The Little Red Hen Stick Puppet Craft at, which involved printing out the coloring pages onto cardstock and providing 4 popsicle sticks in the kits.

how to play pizza game

The Build a Pizza Game was a free printable from More Excellent Me, but took a lot of prep time. I also purchased a box of dice so each kit could have a die.

at home pizza party summer reading bag

Since the Summer Reading Program was done through Beanstack, I was able to see who actually logged books. Those kids got a special Pizza Party kit that had extra goodies in it-leftover prizes and things I had stockpiled. Those all had a name on them and I called them a week before announcing the regular Pizza Party Kits so they could come collect. That way all those that truly participated, rather than just signing up, got some type of reward. After that, it was done on a first come, first served basis, like the Summer Reading Craft Kits.

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