Free Handmade Masks

Since March, our library's Quilters Group (headed by our Genealogist/Special Collections Librarian) has been tirelessly making handmade masks. We've had donations of fabric as well as monetary donations. Women in the Quilters Group have worked from their homes, and while the library has been closed to the public, there have been sewing machines set up in the genealogy room for library staff to churn out masks. As of yesterday, they have made around 1,300 masks. Some have been donated to community groups, and local businesses, and we even mailed some out to patrons while we were still closed.
Yesterday, our governor mandated public mask wearing, so today the library was able to tap into our stock pile and offer free masks through curbside pickup. They were extremely well received, and the Quilters Group and contributing library staff continue to make more masks. It was a nice way for the library to provide an unconventional service and we certainly gained a lot of goodwill.