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Story Time: Hippos

story time hippos

We read Hilda Must Be Dancing by Karma Wilson and illustrated by Suzanne Watts and The Hiccuping Hippo by Keith Faulkner and Jonathan Lambert. I also had The HICCUPotamus by Aaron Zens on standby, but didn't end up using it.

hippo craft

I found a couple of variations of this hippo craft on Pinterest, but couldn't find a template. So I made one. Click here for the Hippo Template PDF or see the images below:

hippo template

hippo craft template 2

story time hippo craft

I precut everything so the kids/parents just had to assemble. The head shape was sized so I could fold a piece of construction paper in half and cut, since you need two heads for each craft.

hippo craft gluing

Just glue the top half of the head together, as shown. Fold the lower half of the top piece up to reveal the tongue and teeth glued to the bottom piece.

library storytime hippopotamus craft

I started out with googly eyes, but discovered I wouldn't have enough to go around. So I let them draw on the eyes. They turned out so cute! I loved all the different ways the kids did the teeth.

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