Story Time: Dinosaurs

Yay, dinosaurs!
We read "Meet Dizzy Dinosaur" by Jack Tickle, which is one of my favorite read-alouds. We also read "Dinosaur Roar!" by Paul Strickland and "Little Dinos Don't Bite" by Michael Dahl.
I introduced the egg shakers, which was my first time trying them on a toddler group. I was worried it might be total chaos, but they did SO good. I will alternate between them and scarves from now on.
I had ordered some dinosaur masks from Oriental Trading, which I thought were craft kits. But they turned out to just be ready-to-wear masks. So I found a template for dinosaur balloons from Oh Happy Day and used that for our craft.

I only used the t-rex one to keep things simple, and used red, orange, blue, yellow, and green balloons. I had our construction paper crayons out for the kids to add details, and they just used tape to attach them to the balloons.

Everybody got one of the dinosaur masks, too.

A local place also makes these cute lollipops in different dinosaur shapes, so I ordered us a couple dozen for a special treat.

They were so cute! There was also a brontosaurus that somehow managed to escape my picture.

You can also see my 2017 Dinosaur Story Time with a different dinosaur craft here.