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Kids Art Night

kids art night library flyer

I had originally wanted to do a Pop Art for Kids night, but I had trouble coming up with enough appropriate activities. Plus, once I started looking at stuff on Pinterest, there were so many other famous artwork-inspired crafts for kids that I wanted to do, that it turned into a more general Kids Art Night.

kids art night event room

I ended up having activities for Pablo Picasso, Jackson Pollock, Henri Matisse, Andy Warhol, and Alexander Calder. I kind of wished I had stuck with a theme or movement, just for the sake of cohesiveness, but whatever. I picked those because I felt the activities were doable for my space, my means, and my patrons.

jackson pollock cookie table

For the Jackson Pollock table, I made up a few dozen rectangle sugar cookies (I used this cookie cutter), iced in white. I had different colored icing in squeeze bottles for them to sling on the cookies, as well as some leftover gel icing tubes from our last cookie decorating activity. I wouldn't recommend the gel icing in tubes because it won't dry and it doesn't taste very good. For the squirt bottles, I just mixed powdered sugar with water and food coloring until I got the consistency I wanted. The icing would have taken forever to dry, but it didn't matter because they were immediately eaten anyway.

alexander calder mobile table

We made mobiles for Alexander Calder, from floral wire and foam shapes. I found a template for Calder shapes at ARTiculation360, which I used the library's Cricut to cut out of primary-colored + black foam.

pop art coloring page table

I combined Andy Warhol and Roy Lichtenstein for the Pop Art table, which had coloring pages of a Lichtenstein girl and a soup can. I also made two games for this corner:

warhol soup can toss

an Andy Warhol Soup Can Toss, which was our Halloween carnival can toss game (similar to this one) covered in Warhol soup can labels, available as a free printable from Katie Day Photo.

lichtenstein whaam game

I also had The Lichtenstein Whaam! which was another knock-down bean bag toss game (where you POP! the art down, so to speak). This was also a Halloween carnival game that I covered in pictures of Lichtenstein girls.

matisse cut out table

For Matisse, we did cut outs. I had lots of Matisse-inspired shapes already cut that could be arranged and glued onto construction paper, or they could cut their own with the scissors I had out.

roll a picasso station

For Picasso, I purchased this Roll a Picasso game from Expressive Monkey. I set out colored pencils and enlarged and printed several different Picasso face shapes, then let the kids roll the dice to see what kind of Picasso-esque ears, nose, mouth, and eyes to draw. Then they could roll again to see what type of patterns and texture to implement onto their drawings. I was the most concerned about this one, because I thought they might get overwhelmed or think it was too hard, but there were no problems. And they all turned out really cute!

kids art library books

I had information about each featured artist printed out, but there wasn't really room on the tables for them like I had originally planned. So I stuck them on my table full of kids art books that were available to be checked out.

kids art night at the library

I used our poster printer to put examples of each artist's work on the walls, and typed up a little museum object label for each one. I also had a slide show going with more information and art examples.

kids art night at the libray roy lichtenstein

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