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Pirate Scavenger Hunt

In honor of International Talk Like a Pirate Day, the library hosted a Pirate Scavenger Hunt.

pirate party door

It's not a Pirate Scavenger Hunt unless you're a pirate. Oriental Trading had cute foam pirate hat kits, and I set up a table where the kids could decorate their hat however they wanted.

DIY pirate hats

Next was swords and eye patches. I went through a few pirate sword balloon tutorials and whipped up a bucket full of balloon swords, and we bought the eye patches.

pirate party swords

Once everyone looked the part, then it was time to get in the pirate spirit. So before (and after!) the kids completed the Scavenger Hunt, they played some pirate games. We had:

pin the eye patch on the pirate

Pin the Eye Patch on the Pirate

pirate hook ring toss

Pirate Hook Ring Toss

walk the plank game

and Walk the Plank (an unexpected favorite).

I also had a playlist going of pirate songs for kids, to keep things lively. And a way to determine their Pirate Name, which I found online.

For photo props, I made a shark and a pirate ship out of a watermelon bin:

shark photo prop

watermelon bin pirate ship
DIY pirate ship

Here's a few pics of the whole room:

pirates at the library

pirate scavenger hunt

Once guests were ready, they could choose from a

When they were finished, they could bring their answer page back to me to claim their booty.

The booty was treasure chest treat boxes filled with chocolate coins, candy bracelets, Ring Pops, a coupon for some free McDonald's chicken nuggets, and some small leftover carnival prizes.

treasure chest with chocolate coins

treasure chest treat boxes



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