Curious George 75th Anniversary

To celebrate the 75th Anniversary of Curious George, the library had a special visit from George himself!
Before I had George come out, I read the first Curious George book. Well, parts of it. I edited it down some beforehand because that sucker is long.

I had a table with some George coloring and activity pages, which was great because we had a huge crowd well before 11:00 rolled around. I got the template for the Curious George mask photo prop from the PBS website.

And, of course, Curious George books and DVDS on display.

I also printed off the history of Curious George to display. has all kinds of awesome materials and printables, btw.

I wanted to get some Curious George cookies or cupcakes as well, but once I realized the number of people interested in coming was more than we could feed, I settled for some George suckers. That was good anyway, because he could hand them out when the kids came up to say hello. I couldn't find any to buy, though, so I just printed out a picture of George's head and taped it on a million suckers. Sometimes I question my sanity.

We had well over a hundred people come. Definitely a fire hazard all stuffed in that back room, but you know. Good times.
