Mini Golf at the Library

We did this after hours on a Saturday. I looked at lots of DIY mini golf stuff online, but ultimately we just worked with what we had laying around. There were a total of nine holes, and we started at the front desk, went upstairs, and ended in the children's room, where patrons could exit out the Emergency Exit. We bought some plastic toy clubs that were really short, but I discovered the end would fit inside a pool noodle, which worked out as a nice little length extender. We bought foam balls to use. Once guests arrived, they came to to the front desk, where I gave them a club, ball, and score card. I worked up a simple score card on Publisher:

Then onto the first hole, which was the easiest. A hula hoop and a ramp. For all the "holes" we used some large plastic Spiderman cups that were leftover from the Summer Reading carnival.

Oh, and all the "tees" were bookends. Hole 2 had to go up a few stairs, so another ramp, this time lined with bulletin board border.

At the top of the steps, another obstacle. I did add a pool noodle behind the cup to catch balls.

Holes 3 and 4 were in our conference room. We made use of our kiddie pool and rubber ducks, also from the carnival:

Hole 4 incorporated books, bowling pins, and some blocks.

Hole 5 took us down the ramp and to the elevator, which patrons had to ride up to continue their game.

Hole 6 made use of our giant chess set:

Hole 7 was the most library-friendly:

The last 2 holes were in the Children's Room. Hole 8 was the only one that we actually made anything for--our bookmobile driver made a custom ramp to work with our car:

And the final hole was the tree house. Up the ramp and inside the tree.