Movie Adaptation Book Display

This month's book display theme is Books that Were Made into Movies.

If you liked the movie, you'll LOVE the book! Font is Bodoni-Poster.

On the sides, I printed out movie posters and backed them with black bulletin board paper. I created "lights" to go around them with yellow construction paper circles.

I tried to use recent-ish movies that I knew we had the book for. There weren't any big ones coming up this month, unfortunately.

The red curtains were from an old puppet theatre we had put together a few years ago. To hang them on the bookcase, I hung a dowel rod with Command strips.

I had to use two separate dowel rods for each side of the bookcase. Once I had the curtains on, they bowed some, but it was alright since the remaining curtains I used to hang over the top.

Like so. I also lined the inside and shelves with black bulletin board paper.

Book selections...

You could also include any number of comic books, Pokemon books, or Lego build books.

I originally intended to make a clapperboard out of cardboard for the top (maybe a movie reel too), and use a plastic popcorn tub on the shelf (maybe filled with yellow flowers?) buuuut I ran out of time.